Although most Tanks can do some damage and even win some engagements solo, this is not their main job and they should be supported by other high-damage Minions whenever possible. I consider the roles to be as follows: Tank: These are ground melee Minions with high health and low damage for their cost. Rather than talk about specific stat numbers, I prefer to think of cards as having different roles that they play on the field. These can be very powerful in Constructed, but should generally be avoided in Draft unless you have already drafted good partner cards.
#Minion masters morellia deck 2021 full
Build-around: A card that requires multiple partner cards in order to reach its full potential. Target: A (cheap) minion that is used to attract or absorb an attack from a slow attacker (Cleaver, Colossus, Nyrvir) or stealth minion (Assassin, Shadow Whelp), thus making it vulnerable to attacks from others. A single Colossus may bring up the average cost without necessarily slowing your cycle rate. However, remember that you are not obligated to play every card as you draw it. As a quick rule of thumb, I consider a draft deck with average mana cost below 4.0 to be “fast cycling”. This lets you reach the powerful Master cards more often, such as Ratbo’s “More Dakka” card. Cycle: Playing through all the cards in your deck, or your ability to do so quickly. “Adding more heat to the fire.” This can be very risky practice, because you will be in that much more mana disadvantage during the enemy’s counterattack. (Adding) Heat: Playing cards while a Push is already attacking the enemy Tower, which will likely add damage the Tower without damaging any enemy minions. with the Bridge Buddies spell or Propeller Scrats. Ninja Capture: Capturing a bridge without actually forming a dangerous Push, e.g. Counter Push: Playing minions such that they will not battle incoming enemy minions, but rather have a clear path to the enemy Tower. Each group is weaker, but it captures both bridges and hedges against AOE attacks.

Split Push: Sending minions down both lanes simultaneously. Push: Any minion or minions that threaten to attack the opposing Tower, whether one minion or a cohesive force. If the opponent is struggling to counter your cards, then you have more freedom to capture bridges or push more damage. While in deep mana disadvantage, it is important to take a more defensive posture until you have regained the advantage. So if I use a Chain Lightning (4 mana) to kill an enemy Crystal Arcanist (3 mana) before it captures one of my bridges, then I’ve broken even on the play. When calculating the mana advantage of any given play, I tend to think of taking control of a bridge or preventing the enemy from capturing a bridge as being worth 1 mana.
#Minion masters morellia deck 2021 free
Of course, there are exceptions as you are free to play whatever cards you want, but gaining and keeping mana advantage is a primary factor of victory.

The main concern of virtually every match is to gain mana advantage as this lets you hold bridges or inflict Tower damage. Mana Advantage: (Your minions on field + your mana) – (Enemy minions on field + enemy mana). Aggression: Playing cards with main intent to damage the enemy Tower. Bridge Control: Playing cards with main intent to capture and hold bridges. I have some gameplay terminology that I will be referring to, but may not necessarily be the standard terms because I don’t read other guides or forum posts. I’m going to assume you already know how the game works and is played. Therefore it is important to pick well-rounded cards that are useful in many situations. However, some cards are only good at specific combos that you are unlikely to achieve in Draft. Almost every single card is usable somewhere. I believe that BetaDwarf has done an altogether good job at card balance.

For example, with clever minion placement, it is possible to defeat an enemy minion that would have otherwise steamrolled through your forces easily. I prefer to see cards as fulfilling certain roles on the field rather than worrying about specific health or DPS numbers as such. Therefore I am able to offer a unique perspective based on my own hundreds of hours of play. I generally do not read other Minion Masters guides or discuss any card theory with other players. In this guide, I will outline my personal strategy for Draft mode and provide a brief analysis of every possible Draft card. This guide was last updated June 7, 2021. It will take some time to research the impact and make changes to the guide. Master and Card analysis regarding Draft mode only.